Our mission

We are digital savvy. Listeners and observers. Forward thinkers and co-thinkers. Idea generators and innovation artists.

Communication and collaboration

Our customers' companies and organizations are unique. That's why we also want to understand them precisely. This is the only way we can identify their needs and improve communication and work processes in the long term and sustainably. To ensure that we do not miss any important details, we involve our customers in the implementation right from the start. We have had very good experiences with mixed project teams, in which experts from the customer side pursue a common goal with our technology experts. In this way, we are always in close dialog.

We also provide training for our customers' employees. In our Greenfield Academy, our IT experts teach users to make changes and adjustments to the new digital infrastructure themselves. This guarantees our customers maximum independence, flexibility and freedom of action.

Together, we analyze their needs and then define the goals of our work. From the first bright idea to successful implementation and reliable support - we accompany our customers along the entire path to the digital future. The customer employees follow the individual steps of our work and ensure through regular reviews that the implementation is going in the right direction. This means that changes can be made immediately and costly and time-consuming rework can be avoided.

"Our aspiration is to involve customers directly in all phases of the project. This close collaboration enables us to develop a one hundred percent understanding of our customers' objectives and to implement the projects entrusted to us in the best possible way for them."
Lars Ackermann,
Member of the Board Greenfield Technology

Sprinting to a successful result


Kick-off and introduction

At the beginning, the most important stakeholders are invited to get to know the project team, to define goals and expectations, and to define the framework conditions.


Inception Phase
Depending on the scope of the project, our experts analyze the various requirements in the form of workshops and evaluate your understanding of the project scope and requirement details with the specialist departments. This often takes place within 2-4 weeks. The results are recorded in written form in consultation with the client.


Agile implementation
Our team implements the requirements in an iterative, agile approach. The requirements prioritized by the product owner are implemented in the form of sprints. The duration of a sprint is defined in advance with the project team, usually 2-4 week sprints are preferred by customers, this is made dependent on various influencing factors. The definition process is accompanied by our experienced experts.


Feedback & Flexibility
During each sprint, the developed product modules are tested, reviewed by business experts and the feedback is fed back to the project team. If business processes change, adjustments can be implemented directly in the following sprint. Our team of experts accompanies the product owner very closely to ensure a flexible and high-quality product.

Facts & Figures


Our experts train our customers in the Greenfield Academy in two-week workshops on how to use Pega technology. This enables you to make changes to your Pega applications independently and flexibly in the future.


Do you want to drive your digital future and turn old into modern? For an analysis of your existing IT landscape and the development of potential optimization proposals, we need an average of 5 to 10 days.


Before and after: With the Pega Express approach, the time savings of implementations are on average around 50%. We can deliver a first working product after 90 days with the so-called MLP (Minimum Lovable Product) approach.


Record broken: 5 days it took to develop, implement, and activate the Corona Emergency Assistance Programs Bavarian Ministries application process. 300,000 applicants used it.

Market leader and visionary

The Pega Platform provides an all-encompassing solution that orchestrates disparate departments, locations, and channels to deliver a unique user and customer experience.

For all with high data volumes

Complex business processes from all industries can be simplified with the help of the Pega Platform, industry-specific framework solutions drastically shorten the implementation time.

We turn ideas into innovations

Our experts have many years of experience in different industries, customer projects and technologies. This knowledge enables us to provide customized solutions for our customers.